httpClient: HttpClientGet estimated gas of several contract method executions via rpc batch request.
List of contract execution estimated gases. If the execution of the method in the real blockchain would not be reverted, then the list item would be equal to the predicted gas limit. Else (if you have not enough balance, allowance ...) then the list item would be equal to null.
Sender address.
Transactions parameters.
Calls pure method of smart-contract and returns its output value.
Address of smart-contract which method is to be executed.
Abi of smart-contract which method is to be executed.
Called method name.
Method arguments.
Transaction options.
from?: stringOptional
gas?: stringOptional
value?: stringGets token info by address.
Address of token.
Token's fields to get.
Gets tokens info by addresses.
Addresses of tokens.
Token's fields to get.
Checks that user has enough balance.
Token to check balance of.
Required user balance in Eth units.
Wallet address, which contains tokens.
Calls allowance method in token contract.
Token's amount, allowed to be spent.
Address of the smart-contract corresponding to the token.
Wallet address to spend from.
Wallet or contract address, allowed to spend.
Gets account native or token balance in wei.
Wallet address, whose balance you want to find out.
tokenAddress: stringAddress of the smart-contract corresponding to the token,
Predicts the volume of gas required to execute the contract method.
Estimated gas limit.
Abi of smart-contract.
Address of smart-contract.
Method which execution gas limit is to be calculated.
Arguments of the contract method.
The address for which the gas calculation will be called.
value: string | BigNumberThe value transferred for the call “transaction” in wei.
from?: stringOptional
gas?: stringOptional
value?: stringEstimates average maxPriorityFeePerGas for EIP-1559 transactions based on last 20 blocks.
Average maxPriorityFeePerGas in wei
Calculates EIP-1559 specific gas details.
block baseFee, average maxPriorityFeePerGas, and maxFeePerGas.
Uses multicall to make several calls of one method in one contract.
Target contract address.
Target contract abi.
Method name.
Method parameters array, for each method call.
Uses multicall to make several methods calls in one contract.
Target contract address.
Target contract abi.
Methods data, containing methods' names and arguments.
Uses multicall to make many methods calls in several contracts.
Target contract abi.
Contract addresses and methods data, containing methods' names and arguments.
Will call smart contract method in the EVM without sending any transaction.
Transaction receipt.
Contract address.
Contract ABI.
Method name.
Method arguments.
Sender address and value.
Generated using TypeDoc
Class containing methods for calling contracts in order to obtain information from the blockchain. To send transaction or execute contract method use Web3Private.