Interface SwapTransactionOptions


  • SwapTransactionOptions


approveFeeLimit?: number

Approve tron-transaction fee limit. Will be used for approve transaction, if it is called before swap.

approveGasLimit?: string

Approve evm-transaction gas limit. Will be used for approve transaction, if it is called before swap.

feeLimit?: number

Tron-transaction fee limit.

gasLimit?: string

Evm-transaction gas limit.

gasPriceOptions?: EIP1559Gas | SingleGasPrice

Transaction gas price options.

onApprove?: ((hash: null | string) => void)

Type declaration

    • (hash: null | string): void
    • Callback to be called, when user confirm approve transaction.


      • hash: null | string

        Transaction hash.

      Returns void

onConfirm?: ((hash: string) => void)

Type declaration

    • (hash: string): void
    • Callback to be called, when user confirm swap transaction.


      • hash: string

        Transaction hash.

      Returns void

receiverAddress?: string

Tokens receiver address.

referrer?: string
testMode?: boolean
useCacheData?: boolean
useEip155?: boolean

Use in case of eip-155

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